Quick aid for stains caused by Pelikan products
的 鹈鹕染色医生 offers quick aid for stains caused by Pelikan products. With nearly 12000 solutions to stain problems, you surely will find a piece of advice on how to remove your stain.
只需要3个步骤,你就可以输入你的问题并找到合适的解决方案. Of course, all cleaning instructions can be printed out right away.
德国DIN ISO标准12757/第2部分建立了在纸张上遮光时可以看到的色糊的持久性标准, 对于化学溶液和填充物的书写风格. 因此,带有DIN标志的填充材料具有较高的书写质量和书写防水性能.
What is the difference between drawing ink and ink?
墨水是由水组成的, 粘合剂(或车辆)紫胶, and non-fading pigments to provide colour.
Drawing ink, as opposed to ink, is always non-fading. Areas of use: drawing, documents (indelible), calligraphy.
What is the difference between Marking 蜡笔 762 and 772?
标记蜡笔762,用于在金属等粗糙表面上书写(也加热), 纸板, 干木材等. Wax marking 蜡笔 772 for writing on smooth surfaces as glass, 瓷, 塑料, 金属, 皮革等.
Nearly all colours are available in 50 ml tins.
是悠久的® 防水和耐候性?
通常情况下,经过足够长的干燥时间(12 - 24小时),普拉卡是防水的. By adding Plaka spray its weather resistance can be improved.
Is there also a matt varnish available?
是的, 除了两种透明清漆(溶剂型和水基型),还有一种哑光清漆可供选择.
How about the weather resistance of the varnishes?
透明清漆以及哑光清漆是霜和大多耐候. 如果暴露在永久的雨水中,清漆和颜色可能会暂时软化. 的 initial hardness is restored after drying. If shortly exposed to rain, the surface is not affected.
Pelikan quality opaque paints are colour-intensive, light-fast and adhere to all absorbent surfaces and textiles. Not all shades can be washed out easily. 的refore, it is better to take precautions! Wear an overall or an old shirt when 绘画. 如果真的发生了什么,立即用肥皂和刷子在温水中洗掉油漆. Do not put in the washing machine or use a stain remover. 待干的油漆通常不能在不留下污渍的情况下去除. Pelikan污渍医生有很多方法可以去除不透明的油漆颜色.
是的, in shops specializing in artists' materials.
的 lid of the paint box has broken off. 我可以买个换货吗?
No. Spare parts for the box itself are not available.
笔 & 钢笔
每一支钢笔的核心都是由14克拉或18克拉的黄金精密制作而成. Each nib is tested by a master individually by hand. 的 smoother a pen glides across paper, 笔尖的材料和工艺质量越高. 只有非凡的笔尖,才能真正把你的个性写在纸上,把你的精华写在墨水里. 让人难忘. 毫无疑问.
Depending on pen model, the following nib widths are available. 请考虑个别产品网站的具体推荐:
- F = fine(标准)
- M =中等
- B =广泛的
Is it possible to buy the wax 蜡笔 separately?
No, Pelikan wax 蜡笔 are available only in assorted packages.
Does the waterproof marker still exist?
是的, 永久记号笔710. Available in black, blue, red or green.
Are there whiteboard markers available?
是的,可擦布 白板记号笔741. Available in black, blue, red or green.
Is it possible to buy the colours individually?
No, they are available in assorted packs only.
Some 蜡笔 often break while sharpened. 为什么会发生这种情况??
蜡笔比铅笔软. 使用卷笔刀时,应尽量用大开口,而不要用小开口.
今天, 主要供14岁以下青少年使用的纤维头笔的笔帽必须符合ISO 11540标准. 本标准规定了纤维笔帽的设计,以防止在吞下笔帽时气管完全堵塞. ISO标准是在几起死亡事件发生后由欧共体发布的, 哪些是由于帽子被吞下导致的窒息. 本标准保证透气性至少为8l /min,适用于直径小于16mm的纤维笔头的笔帽.
学校用的纤维尖笔的黑色墨水是红、蓝、黄三色的混合物. 结果是非常深的黑色. 用于记录文件或文件的纤维笔头都掺有烟灰, but these inks could not wash out and stored for longer times.
Is it possible to buy cap or nib separately?
是的, at shops specializing in writing implements.
Are there special fountain pens for left-handed persons?
是的, 因为他们的特殊形象, 为左撇子设计的钢笔必须与为右撇子设计的钢笔不同.
No, 但是你可以在墨盒钢笔里插入一个转换器,这样它们就可以从墨水瓶里重新填充.
Souveran M1000 开放6.89英寸·关闭5.79英寸·Ø0.56in · 1.14盎司(17开.5厘米·闭合14.7厘米·Ø14.1 mm · 32.6gr)
Souverän M800 | M805 开放6.57英寸·关闭5.59英寸·Ø0.52in · 0.99盎司(16开).7厘米·封闭14.2厘米·Ø13.1毫米·28,2克)
Souveran M600 开放6.10英寸·关闭5.28英寸·Ø0.49in · 0.57盎司(开15个).5厘米·封闭13.4厘米·Ø12,4毫米·16,4克)
Souverän M400 | M405 开5.87英寸·关闭5.00in·Ø0.46in · 0.52盎司(打开14磅).9厘米·封闭12.7厘米·Ø11.7毫米·14,9克)
Souveran M300 开5.12英寸·关闭4.33英寸·Ø0.39in · 0.37盎司(13开).0 cm·闭合11.0 cm·Ø9,9 mm·10,7gr)
Which filling systems for fountain pens are offered today?
主要是, 有两种填充技术:柱塞系统和墨盒系统(作为转换技术的一种变体).
柱塞系统:使用轴端的填充旋钮移动柱塞填充. 这保证了油墨被经济地从墨水瓶中吸收出来. 后填, 将几滴墨水放回瓶中,然后将填充旋钮转到关闭位置. 的 cartridge-system: Easy and clean to handle. 最常见的墨盒种类:小型标准墨盒(Pelikan = TP/6)和巨型墨盒(Pelikan = GTP/5). 变体转换器:使您可以将墨盒钢笔转换为柱塞钢笔. Instead of the cartridge, the converter is inserted into the shaft. 然后,钢笔就可以像柱塞式钢笔一样从墨水瓶里装满墨水.
How long have fountain pens been in existence?
Since people have been using writing liquids, 他们一直在考虑如何开发一种能容纳更多墨水的书写工具, 不需要不断地将书写工具(笔尖)浸入书写液中. 直到19世纪,羽毛笔(芦苇)和羽毛笔(鹅的羽毛)都是人们首选的书写工具. 钢笔的几个发展阶段:1636年鹅毛笔的发展1809年第一个钢笔的专利, 英国1878年第一个德国专利在帝国1885 -1910年可重置和所谓的安全钢笔占主导地位(填充用移液管)1929年柱塞钢笔的时代开始1960年墨盒钢笔开始流行.
What pieces do the fountain pens consist of?
钢笔是用非常精确的技术在许多手工步骤中制造出来的. 一般, 它们包括:笔尖, 墨水管道, 带有墨水储存器和柱塞机构的套筒或用于墨盒或转换器的空间, 帽子和夹子.
的 墨水管道 regulates the pressure between outside and inside, 因此,它为笔尖顶部提供了适量的墨水. 毛细管可以防止过多的墨水流出.
No. 笔尖有两种(i.e.(OM或OB). 倾斜的笔尖通常是为那些笔尖倾斜或向左倾斜的人准备的. 如果你平时写字是平的,写字块应该配备一支直的钢笔.
Most pieces can be obtained as spare parts from the trader.
Does Pelikan also repair old products?
是的,但只有百利康和格哈的产品,只要还有备件. 所有此类物品应送交:
Pelikan PBS Produktionsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG,Abt. p - 1 / Reparatur,
Pelikanstr. 11,
31228年痛苦/ Vohrum
As plastic is a material that can break, 很难给出一个笼统的说法,即一块能掉多高而不损坏. Whether it breaks depends on various factors, for instance the kind and form of plastic, 坠落的角度和冲击力, the impact or hardness of the floor.
How can crusted ink be removed from the fountain pen?
为了防止结壳,钢笔应该经常灌满钢笔墨水. Furthermore, the cap should always be set straight. 笔尖和墨管上的墨皮要用温水冲洗笔尖和墨轴去除. 后来, 墨水柱塞系统应多次注满冷水至温水(注满和倒出柱塞机构)。. 对于墨盒钢笔,通常用自来水冲洗笔尖就足够了.
Are there still ink pads in size 0 (15 x 18 cm)?
No, the largest ink pad is size 1 (9 × 16厘米).
是的,三种尺寸都有. Sz. 3 (5 × 7厘米),Sz. 2 (7 × 11厘米),Sz. 1 (9 × 16厘米).
What for and how does one use plate ink pads?
为了给它们上色,自己用含有未稀释的颜色和/或转瞬即逝的溶剂的特殊油墨垫色. 只需涂上所需的颜色,或者换句话说,涂上与墨垫相对应的表面. 的 plates can be used from both sides.
How is ink pad colour (4K, 4, 24 or 84) removed best?
印花颜色4的颜色可以用洗衣粉和水从许多纺织品上去除. 非吸收性/多孔表面上的污渍如果使用酒精,大部分都能去除. 特别邮票颜色24和84的颜色不能从纺织品上洗掉. One can try stain-remover and solvent. 光滑的不吸收性表面可以用酒精去除颜色. For thinning and cleaning, we recommend our stamp-cleaner B37/73. 这种稀释和清洁也可以应用于邮票表面. Further tips on how to remove ink pad colour can be found with our 鹈鹕染色医生.
Which stamp colour is to be used for 金属-stamps?
邮票颜色84. 使用前试用.
现代意义上的墨水在基督之前就已经在使用了. It mostly consisted of liquids containing iron. In the Middle Ages the common ink was a ferro-gallic ink. 这些墨水在瓶子里很快就会老化和干涸,因此不能用来做钢笔. 随着水溶性染料的出现和合成水溶性染料的进一步发展, ferro-gallic ink became less and less popular. 今天可用的钢笔墨水,如Pelikan墨水4001,不是纯染料墨水.
Are there larger bottles available for refilling the 30ml jar?
装了一半的子弹大部分都是干的,这意味着它们被储存的时间太长了. 墨水 cartridges can be stored up to 12 months. If they are stored longer, the water from the ink evaporates.
我们不建议混合不同颜色的油墨,因为不同的ph值可能会使颜色褪色. 正因为如此,钢笔在改变墨水颜色之前应该用水彻底冲洗.
How can I best remove ink stains from textiles?
Only the royal blue can be washed out of most textiles. 最好尽快用洗衣粉和水洗掉其他颜色,但不要用溶剂处理. 不幸的是, if colour stains have had a chance to dry on natural fibres, it is often not possible to completely remove them. Further tips on removing stains can be found in our 鹈鹕染色医生.
Can ink 4001 also be used as a refill for ink-jet printers?
No. Fountain pen ink is not ink-jet ink. 因此,我们不能保证它会正常工作,因为钢笔墨水没有开发, 甚至没有测试过, 用作喷墨油墨. 如果打印机中使用的墨水不适合打印机或损坏了打印机,打印机公司将不接受对保证的索赔.
Why are some ink colours no longer available?
Can fountain pen ink Fount India be used for all fountain pens?
印度喷泉适用于所有百利活塞填充钢笔. This ink is relatively easy to work with, 前提是钢笔要定期使用,并每隔一段时间清洗一次. 如果钢笔不使用,钢笔印不应该在钢笔中保存数周. 由于颜料颜色细腻, 它更难清洗, compared to the soluble colorants in regular fountain pen inks. If possible, this ink should not be left to dry out completely.
如果你有墨水流动的问题,用清水冲洗你的笔会有所帮助. Dried /crusted ink comes off easier, 如果钢笔笔尖在水里浸泡一段时间(这可能需要长达一周的时间).
更换油墨或油墨颜色时, 旧油墨的油墨残留物可能会与新油墨混合. 由于送墨装置的结构,旧墨不能完全冲洗掉.